The Bridgeport Post from Bridgeport, Connecticut (2024)

of of of of of of of of of of BRIDGEPORT SUNDAY POST, JUNE 30, 1963 A Bit Nutty But Fun THE BOSS IS CRAZY, TOO. By Nell Lazarus, 282 pages. New. York: The Diel Press. The boss of this novel is crazy like A fox, the only trouble is that he's not smart like a fox.

FULTON FINEMAN, heed of Fincman publications, swin-1 dies his company and in order keep out of fall decides to bankrupt the company before the deal is discovered by his silent part. ners. Ta aid him he chooses his most honest cmptoye, Carson temple, art directar of such uplifting magazines as Lawsuit Humor Comics, Communist Love Tales and Werewolf Fun Comics, Hemple is the originat honest schnook compared, with his fellow writers and artists, who arc already stealing the company blind by ordering art supplies for the company and having them delivered In their homes and maintaining, girl friends on company paid diner's club cards. Hemple is told by Fineman that he must immediately change his personalily and become as big al thief as the other employes. He is directed to loose 70 thousand dollars in three months.

The book is built around Hemple's bumbling nilempts be dishonest and the screwy ings in the offices of Fineman! the efficient day the mother of a much loo publications. For instance secretar; visits the stoff. Since the girl is out the men decide to scare the old lady so she won't let her daughter work at Fineman. They strap on guns claiming they're for protection against gangsters and they tell the old lady what a wonderful daughter she has. Fineman tells her when they were doing a scrics 08 drag addicts the daughter got herself hooked on the stuff, so she'd learn its evils first hand.

Next he says they're going to do a series on prostiLutes and the girl "is going to heundercover full-lime, registered, warking prostitute so as to learn, first-hand haw it feels. How it feels, that is, to live their filthy evil life and to find out-" Hemple catches the old lady as. she faints. IT'S AN hilarious book as long as you don't question why Fulton Fineman would choose his most honest employe to bankrupt him, or how much nully things could happen in an office without the men the white suits carting the whole editorial stalf off en masse, 'Ibe author is creator also af the syndicated feature Miss Pouch. -SANDRA LOPEZ third-round play.

N. Y. CONCRETE GROUP HONORS IVES -State lighway Commissioner Howard S. Ives, left, receives a plaque making him an honorary life member of the Connecticut Ready Mixed Concrete association from Henry O. Altobello, president, of Merlden at a recent outing of the group at the Griswold Hotel and Monroe (8-2) is leading the Stratford PAL PONY league tor first two rounds of play in the loop.

Sterling House (6-3) is second, with defending champion Stratford Stratford Food Fair (5-4), PAL, (5-4) and Town Fair Lanes (5-4) all tied third. The Sterling Falcons (0-8) are in sixth place in the circuit. All -star teams will be selected al a meeting of league coaches tomorrow. Monroe faces Sterling House tomorrow in the first game of KING AND QUEEN AT PLAYLAND The Barnum Festival King and Queen are accompanied by members of the family of Jumes P. Schwartz, president of the Jay, James Cumern shop, sponsor of the and Queen contest, at Playland, N.Y, last week.

Enjoying themselves nre, 'From left, King Roy Shenkman, Joseph Schwartz, Queen Cheryl Bennett, and Mrs. Natalie Schwarlz, BIRTHS ST. VINCENT'S HOSPITAL List of births supplied by St. Vincent's hospital: June 21 Spiriti, Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph, 33. Mount Pleasant raad, Newtown, son. Paternoster, Mr. Mrs. George, 452 Charles street, daughter.

Muldoon, Mr. and Mrs. Edward, 756 Maplewood avenue, daughter. Chechole, Mr. and Mrs.

Paul, 145 Alma. drive, Fairfield, Dogali, Mr. and Mrs. Frank, 2323 Darnum avenue, Stratford, son, Harnes, Mr. and Mrs.

Willlam, Steuben court, son. Leonard, Mr, Mrs. Roose. volt, 50 Allen street, daughter, June 25 Moore, Mr, and Mrs. 75 Pine Trco road, Monroe, son.

Correll, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, 47 Harlem avenue, daughter. Angle, Mr. and Mrs.

Wallace, 367 Wilmot avenue, daughter. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs, Collins, Meadowview avenue, Strat-1 ford, son. Chittern, Mr. and Mrs.

Charles, Hill street, Shelton, son. DePalmer, Mr. and Mrs. Patsy; 456 Trumbull avenue, daughter, Candola, Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph, ML. Vernon avenue, Bloomfield, N. daughter, Hisen; Mr. And Mrs. William, 579 Davis road, Fairfield, son.

Marlin, Mr. and Mrs, Frank-! 1in, Grovers avenue, daughter. Voigl, Mr. anil Mrs. Eduard, Wendy Hill road, Devon, son.

Bayerte, Mr. and Mrs. William 102 Commercial street, son, Junc 26 Micklos, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander, 88 Beach road, Fairfield, daughter.

Patronelli, Mr. and Mrs. Russoll, 3035 Main street, daughter. Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph, 156 Wake streel, daughter. Veccharelli, Mr. and Mrs. Peter 45 Gaspee road, daughinter. DeCarlo, Mr.

and Mrs. Michael, 488 William street, daughter. Cohane, Mr. and Mrs. Gerard, 757 Rcef road, Fairfield, 501, D'Agnone, Mr.

and Mrs. Angelo, 176 Logan street, son. George, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer, 467 Edwards street, Fairfield, daughler.

Martinez, Mr. and Mrs. Victor, Father Panik village, daughter, Tuttle, Mr. and Mrs. Richard, 705 Black Rock turnpike, Fairfield, daughter.

June 27 Karosy, Mr. and Mrs. John, 270 Colonese road, daughter, Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Danicl, 10 Jewett strect, Ansonia, daughter.

Popineau, Mr, and Mrs. Louis, 1392 Pembroke strect, son. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Marina village, Bldg.

21, ter, Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Donald, 554 West Taft avenue, daughter. Hennessey, Mr, and Mrs. Robert, 274 Brooks street, daughter.

Deuschle, Mr. and Mrs. Barry, Pepper street, Stepney, son. Vargo, Mr. and Mrs.

Andrew, 55 Wilson avenue, Trumbull, son, NOSE RECEIVE NEW PUS Roland T. Yale, (center) chairman of the Stratford branch YAICA honrd receives the koys and papers for the new Ford Falcon station bus from Armando Genga, rigil, president of Kenting Ford of Strallord as Clayton Inli, Executive secretary of the Strntford smiles his approval. The new stallion wngon was purchased by the Y. through funds turned in by youth members from the sale of candy. It will he used to transport YMCA clubs to varto1s programs and to the now YMICA solling and bonting camp which opens Monday.

a B--SEVENTEEN By is deal cmptoye, Cyr ludlo MINS, DONALD DRALUS Rita Bell Married To Donald Dralus Bethel Miss Rita Elizabolh daughter Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Bell of Walnut Hill cond, Bethel became tho bride of Donald George Dralus, son Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Dralus, of Wheclor! road, Monroe, yesterday morning in St. Mary's church, Bethel. The: clouble ring ceremony -was performed at IL o'clock by the Rev. Edward: Howley, In setting of white gladiolus. Escorled by her father, the bride was attired in gown of silk organza over taffeta, with a scalloped scoop neckline, cap sleeves and full skirt with chapel train.

Her vell of silk illusion wAs arranged fingerlip length from a princess crown of crystals and rhinestones, and she carried A prayer book with a white orchid. Mrs. James Bell, sister-In-law of the bride served as matron of honor, wearing a street-length dress of aqua chiffon over ycllow taffeta, and princess crown of crystals with an aqua veil. She carried a nosegay of yellow carnations, 'The bridesmaids were Miss Mary-Lou Bell of Bethel, sister of the bride; Miss Dorothy Drains of. Monroc, sister of the bridegroom and Miss Joyce Jaworoskl They wore strect-lengih dresses of yellow chiffon ovat yellow taffeta, with princess crowns of crystals with veils, and curried.

nosegays of aqua carnations. Joseph Dralus of Monroe was his brother's best man. Ushers were Richard 'Alfred Michel Michel of of Monroe Monroe, and Robert Bell of Bethel brother af the bride. A reception took place in the afternoon al the Stony Hill Inn. When' the couple return from a wedding trip to Niagara Falls, they will reside on Wheeler road, Manroe, 'The brkle altended Bethel high school and the Danbury Institute of Business.

She is employed ns. a secrelary al.the Fairfiold hospital, Newlown. Her husband, graduate of Bullard-Havens Technical school, served three years in the army, is employed by the Division of the Avco corporation, Stratford, Mrs. Mary Stracinsky, Mrs. Alma Richards and Mrs.

Pauline Geregely left yesterday nbonrd the Bahama Star for a vacation in Bermuda, Col. Louls Haskell, of West was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Willian W11- liams, of Silles strect, Stratford, last wookend. The committee members of Lincoln school Class of 1930 reunion had A cookout Inst Sunday on the estate of Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Mounhun, 84 Blackhouse road, Trunttrull, They were Mr. and Mrs. John Zuly, John Zuly, Mr. and Mrs.

Norman Sputhpril, Mir. and Airs. Harry Mantle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert O'Loughlin, Palrolman and Mrs.

Fred J. Klernon, Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Brennan, Kathleen Brennan, Mr.

and Mrs. Lester Netileton, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bundock, Mary, Joe, Nancy, Barbara and Tommy Bunduck; Audrey and George Nettleton, And Mr. and Dies.

liarald Manahan. Mutain suidio MAS. WILLIAM HEARD (Margaret M. Shea, Nurse, Is Married To Lt. W.

B. Heard Ansonia In St. Mary's church, Milford, yesterday, Miss Margaret Mary Shea, daughter of Mrs. John Shea, 143 Jackson street and the late Mr. Shea was married 10 Second Licut.

William Bailey Heard, USAF, son of Joseph Heard of Montrose, and the Inte Mis. Heard. The Rev. Francis A. Mayock, pastor, AL the noon cercmony.

Escorted by her uncle Earl J. Lombard, the bride, wore a floor length sheath Alencon lace, made A Sabrina neckline trimmed with pearls, short sleeves and a detachable over. skirt of silk organza. Her illusion veil fell from FL crown of pearls and crystals and she carried a bouquet of white roses and, lilies of the valley. Miss Karen Zender of West Haven served as maid of honor, wearing cherry colored satapeau and carrying a bouquet of American Beauty roses.

The bridesmalds wore' satapean dresses also, Miss Ronnie Heard; the bridegroom's sister in powder blue; Miss Kathleen Gorobi of Milford in 'maize color and' Miss Linda Jones of North Haven in They carried roses snatch their dresses. John J. Shea of Seymour, the bride's brother, was best man land the ushers were Ens. Richart Augur, USN, John Donegan, USN, Ens, Charles Helsper and Mid, Mel Lyman, A reception followed in the Ox-5 ford house, and the couleft for a honcymoon to include Niagara Falls, Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon and California. They will live in Boulder, Colo.

The bride was graduated from Ansonia high school, the Kath-56 arine Gibbs school in New York and St. Raphael's hospital School of Nursing, New Haven. Lieut. Heard, an alumnus of Montrose high school and tho U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, is attending the University of Colorado, Mrs.

Mary Drobnak, of Stillman street, is convalescing in the home of her son and daughterin-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Drobnak, of Booth Hill road, Nichols, following surgery Bridgeport bospital. Bunny Mobyde, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Lconard Mohyde, of Alpine street, celebrated her 19th birthday Thursday. Altending the Fireside aparlment card party last. Thursday were Mrs. John Madigan, Mrs. Edward Pendazast, Mrs.

Janies Mooney and Mrs. Francis Morton. Pauline Drobnak, of Booth Hill road, Nichols, enjoyed a picnic at Rye Beach last Thursday with her classmates in St. Joseph's High school. Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Gnindek, and Mrs. Anthony, Zuke, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Imrischok.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Moses, Mr.

and Mrs. AT Prannkuch, Mrs. Josephine: Bakunas, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rakanas, Mr.

and Mrs. John Matulionis, Mrs. Albert SVenver and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashcroft allended the SI.

George's Guild dinner dance in the Lutheran hall last Saturday. artists, and their Women's Golf Event At Brownson Club Prize-winners in the recent Member-Guest tournament conducted by the Women's Golf Icague of the Harry B. Brownson Country club, Huntington, were as follows: GUESTS Low gross, Mrs. Marge Bielen, Mill River; low net, Mrs. Esther Kieckhefer, Patterson club; low putts, Mrs.

Isabelle Marak, D. Fairchild Wheel. cr; nearest to pin (second hole), Mrs. Esther Koenigsherg, Mill River; longest drive on seventh hole, Mrs. liclen Nalcwaik, Mill River.

MEMBERS Low gross, Mrs. Marie Bak; low net, Mrs. Mullany; low putts, Mrs. Kathleen Germain; nearest to pin (second hole), Miss Ethel Choun; longest drive on seventh hole, Mrs. Ginny Sorge.

KICKERS Rondos, Edma Turney, Helen Baron, Helen Nalcwaik, Marge Bielen, June Perley, Ericson, Jane Kathleen Germain, Beal Walker, Dorolhy Imbro and Dorothy Sutton, Stratford PAL Loop 'BROTHERS GRIMM' NEXT AT LOEW'S POLI -In this scene from "The Wonderful World pl the Rrolhers Grimm," Laurence Harvey and Kart Boehm, as Wilhelm and Jacob Grinn, are shown dreaming up such immortal falry tale characters' as Cinderella, Tom Thumb, Iansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, Rumpelstiltskin, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. 'The hit motion picture, opening Thursday al the Loew's Poll theater, also stars Claire Bloom, Walter Slezak, Osenr hom*olka, Barbara Eden, Yvette Mimicux, Russ Tamblyn, Jim Backus, Beulah Bondi, Terry Thomas and Buddy Hackett. Wonneberger, Mr. and Mrs. William, 320 First avenue, Strat-! ford.

son. Puglio, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, 3645 Madison avenuc, daughter. Moran, Mr.

and Mrs. John, 197 Sheridan street, daughter. Hierde, Mr. and Mrs. Charles, 213 Grasmicre avenue, Fairfield, 600.

Zendels, Mr. and Mrs, David, 328 Pacific street, daughler. BRIDGEPORT HOSPITAL List of births supplied by Bridgeport hospital: June 24 Ford, Mr. and Mrs. John 1509 Park avenue, daughter.

Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Paul 135 Wyoming street, Stratford, daughter: Johnson, Mr. and Mts. Raymond 09 Kenmore lane, Milford, daughler, Luna, Mr.

and Mrs. Alfredo, 384 Atlantic street, son. Morcy, Mr. and Mrs. Edward 16 West Mischa road, Trumbull, son, June 25 Fugiero, Mr.

and Mrs. Carmine 285 Seltsum road, son. Halapin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 17 Regina street, Trumbull, son.

Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 540 Seaview avenue, SON. Szabo, Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph 70 Pequonnock street, daughter. Stanislawski, Mr. and Mrs. Richard 759 Arctic street, son. Lard, Mr.

and Mrs. Robert 30 Teller road, Trumbull, daughter. Kucewicz, Mr. and Mrs. Peter, 385 avenue, son, June 26 Doherty, Mr.

and Mrs. James 82 Vermont avenue, Stratford, daughter. Berkley, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan 320 Quincy street, Fairfield, son.

Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Woodland Trailer park, Shelton, son, June 27 Wilson, Mr. and Mrs, Clifford 198 Dupont place, son. Johnson, Mr.

and Mrs. Leonard, 30 Hope street, son. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Earl 147 Justice street, Stratford, daughter, Kalakay, Mr.

and Mrs. 429 Charles street, son. Kiely, Mr. and Mrs. Edmond 186 Murgherita lawn, Stratford, son.

Rath, Mr. and Mrs. Richard 157 Marion street, daughter. Macioce, Mr. and Mrs.

Daniel 594 Longbrook avenue, Stratford, son. Negron, Mr. and Mrs. Victor 35 Taylor drive, daughter. Ambrose, Mr.

and Mrs. Paul. 644 Park street, daughter. Mrs. David Shield, of Graystone road, entertained at a away party" Tuesin honor of Mrs.

Helen sick and son, Alan, who left Thursday for California to visit her son and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yansick. Present at the parly were Mrs. Michael Tomchik, Mts, Pauline ski, Cynthia and Kenneth BIOIEski, Mrs.

Joseph. Salamon, Eileen and Judith Salamon, Calherinc Brown, Mrs. Joseph Eannatti, Andrea and Geraldine Eunnialti, Mrs. Edward Yacko, Mrs. AliTomchlk, and Valerie, David, Timothy and Shield.

By RON HUTCHERON PHOENIX, Frontier cattlemen would shudder at the thought, but modern man is now "deodorizing" beef on the hool. The sweet-smelling stuff is sprinkled on the noble beasts (they "unpleasantly odoriferous," the argument goes) from low-flying helicopters equipped booms. Result: cows are nozzle-lined begintanks, pump and ning to smell like orange blossoms. People living downwind from the stockyards think the idea is great. An air-horne pioneer in cow deodorizing is former Air Force Major Charles Wolfe, who' NOW describes himself 1.5 janitor and bookkeeper" of Aerocopters, Inc.

The former jet fighter pilot maneuvers his lightweigh 269-A helicopter to apply the deodorant. Called GS17, it's! mixed with water and applied in Deodorizer For Cattle toward sweeter smelling Western air. The Tempe mayor has uppointed a commillee, representing the public and businesses involved, to study the problem and look for solutions. Meanwhile, more impatient citlzens have a $375,000 suit pending against one local catlle company because they don't like the smell of things. They contend the odor not only is offensive, but that it has whittled down the value of their property.

Everyone agrees the problem must be licked and nobody has offered to give up beef for aroma's sake. All look forward to the day that citizens of the new West can enjoy T-hones and prime ribs, then settle comfortably on their back porches and hear the romantic bawling of! rattle in the sunset and sniff fresh evening air, that: might smell like orange blossoms. Margaret Schirmer, James Murphy, Jr. Wed on Saturday Brookfield Gagnon studio MRS. CHARLES WYCKOFF Wyckoff-Hamilton Bridal Announced Mr.

and Mrs. Stephen Korsemares, and daughters, and in-law, of Fairfield; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lucia, and Mfr, and Mrs. Richard Romano, recently celebraled triple wedding anniversaries al a dinner in the Mark Twain inn, Redding, and later atlonded the Jungle club, In Rye, a rain like spray to the pens and Miss Margaret Schirmer, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph F. is completely safe and non-toxiciter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hamilton of Bristol, became the to callie.

Schirmer of Candlewood Lake bride of Charles Wyckoff, son road, Brookfield, became the of Mr, and Mrs. Winfield D. GENERALLY, Wolfe said, of James I. Murphy, Wyckoff, 16 South King street, bovines tend to skitter at the son of Dr. and Mrs, Murphy, 5 Danbury, June 22, in St.

Joseph's presence of the whirly-bird, but Homestead avenue, Danbury, yes- church in Bristol. The a Rev. Gerhe's managed lo spray caltle lerday at 9:30 a.m. in St. Joseph's ald A.

Mullins, pastor, performpens holding as many as 50,000 chapel. The Rev. Boleslaus J. ed the double ring ceremony at head. Rarus, pastor, performed the 10:30 o'clock.

Wolfe said the application of ceremony. The bride was escorted by her 10 gallons of GS17 and wa- Presented in marriage by her father and wore a street about ter solution per acre deodorizes, father, the bride wore sheath dress of nylon aver taffeta, fash. length and masks the offensive smells. of white lace, fashioned with A ioned with 8 scoop neckline, Effectiveness of system "that square scalloped neckline, elbow three quarter length sleeves and demonstraled by the fact length steeves, and a sweeping a petal overskirt. Her brief veil "all customers entered into detachable chapel train of tat- was attached have to a pillbox hat and 3 program to keep me coming feta.

back," he said. Fred veil Her fell fingerlip from a illusion crown shir. of daisies, a bouquet of shasta she carried Applications have been effective pearl blossoms and illusion for 14 days and more, Wolle leaves orange Miss Sue E. Lucia of Boston, said. Regular applications of the a cascade was maid of honor, and wore a and she carried chemical build up residual de-' bouquet of white daisies and ivy.

nile green nylon over posit in the soil for longer ef- Mrs. 'Arthur Setara of Dan- taffeta, with matching headfecliveness, he said. noting that bury, wns matron of honor for dress, She carried yellow shasta insecticides would be added to her sister, wearing white lace daisies. the solution in summer months lover aqua taffeta, and an aqua Peter Wyckoff svas his brother's for insect control. pillbox hat with veil.

She carried best man and William Schwab of Wolfe said the cost of kis proc- a cascade bouquet of pink daisies. Bristol, ushered. ess is as much AS $10 an Acre Francis Murphy was best man The couple are spending their for the first application, but may Don his brother, of and ushers were honeymoon traveling in New Engfor drop as low as $3.80 an acre for Githing Boylston, land and Canada. subsequent sprayings. John Webster of Michigan and The bride is graduate Gl He said his company, not yet Paul Dodd of New Haven.

Castleton Teachers college, one year old, is looking into oth-1 A reception was held at Can- Castleton, Vt. Mr. Wyckoff was er uses for the process, such as dewood Knolls, New Fairfield graduated from the Unlversity of garbage dump and manure-fertil- and the couple left for York Bridgeport. Bolh teach in the ized lawn spraying, to be market- city. They will reside in New Ha- Bristol schools.

ed in bottles. ven. Wolfe indicaled pleasure with The former Miss Schirmer a Patty Kern, daughter of Mr. development of his process. He graduate from Danbury State col- and Mrs.

Arthur Kern, of Wayne said he was told initially il lege and will teach sixth grade street, Stratford, celebrated her could't be done, but that ex- at the Village street school in seventh birthday Monday with a perimenlation and testing pro- North Haven. Mr. Murphy, a party for her little friends, Enduced GS17. He said publicily graduate from Mount Saint joying the fun were Laurie and the needs of cattlemen faced Mary's college, Emmitsburg, Blodgett, Linda Blodgett, Patty with an irate public have helped is A four year student at Yale Venables, Ellen Burritt and Dihis firm get rolling. university School of Medicine, ane Kern.

ANOTHER ODOR control system hens neen tried successfully by Hughes Ganz Cattle Co. The firm's use of ground sprayers coupled with grading and regular removal of manure has hind good results, nearby residents arc quoted as saying by Tempe, Chamber of Commerce manager Vic Deforest. Many of the area's large cattle producers are watching the aerial and ground spray with interest, Deforest said. He said government agencies and citizens groups ure working NEW BUILDING NEARS $225,000, air-conditioned, twn-story store and office building at Maln atreet, wIll be completed for occupancy in about ano month. Owned by Alagnus, it will houso Ann's Home hakery and threa other stores, with offlec space above, The architect is Adolpli J.

Adiletta, of Stratford; the bullder Is Salce Brothers of Bridgeport. Offsirect porking is Included. NEW SUNSHINE PRESIDENT- Nadrum, now Ident of the Sunshine club of the Bridgeport Gas company, Is presented flowers by Ronald Malony, president of the company, at Installation ceremonies last week in the Westport Now Englander Motor bolel..

The Bridgeport Post from Bridgeport, Connecticut (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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