Slime Isekai Memories Tier List (August 2024) - Best Characters (2025)

Check out our very own Slime Isekai Memories tier list where we rank each character into two separate lists, one for battle and one for protection, according to their overall stats and skills.

Slime Isekai Memories Tier List (August 2024) - Best Characters (1)

Slime Isekai Memories tier list: Best Battle & Protection Characters

Slime Isekai Memories Tier List (August 2024) - Best Characters (2)

Written byKaty

So if you’re looking for the best characters for battle and protection in Slime Isekai Memories then you’ve landed on the right page, because that’s exactly what you’re going to find below.

But first…

Table of Contents

What is Slime Isekai Memories?

SLIME – ISEKAI Memories is a mobile gacha 3D RPG developed and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. It is a manga adaptation that is available freely on the App Store for iOS devices and on Google Play for Android ones.

The game is very polished and the sense of adventure is very real with this one. You can interact with a lot of characters such as the Great Sage that can help guide you throughout the game. It has amazing graphics and skill animations, particularly the Secret Skills ones, this makes battles more fun and engaging.

But Slime Isekai Memories is a gacha game after all, and similarly to Mythic Heroes, Arknights, and Soul Tide, unlocking new characters can be a bit time-consuming, especially if you don’t want to invest real money.

And so with that in mind, players should only focus their time and stamina on getting only the best characters in Slime Isekai Memories and not waste it with units that won’t perform great.

That is why we have created this Slime Isekai Memories tier list for battle and protection, to guide and help new players focus on the characters that really matter. We have ranked the units from the very best in the game (S+ tier) to the weakest (D Tier). So, let’s take a look!

Slime Isekai Memories Battle Tier List

Starting off with the Slime Iseai Memories tier list for battle, we’re going to rank each character below in terms of their overall stats power, unique battle skills, character traits, and more.

Since Slime Isekai Memories doesn’t have any PvP implemented in the game at the moment, this is strictly a PvE tier list, that you can use as a guide when creating your team of units to challenge the game’s content.

So let’s start off with the best Slime Isekai Memories for battle:

January 5th, 2023: We have updated our Slime IM Tier List

Slime Isekai Memories Tier List: S+ Tier Battle Characters

Slime Isekai Memories Tier List (August 2024) - Best Characters (3)
  • Masked Hero (Time Traveler)
  • Milim Nava (Dragonoid)

Slime Isekai Memories Tier List: S Tier Battle Characters

Slime Isekai Memories Tier List (August 2024) - Best Characters (4)
  • Alice Rondo (Brave Knight Girl)
  • Carrion (Beastmaster)
  • Diablo (Ebony Demon)
  • Diablo (The Black Progenitor)
  • Gazel Dwargo (King of an Armed Nation)
  • Luminus (The Queen of Nightmares)
  • Milim Nava (The Dragon Fist)
  • Milim Nava (The Enthusiastic Player)
  • Veldora (Seal Releaser)
  • Velzard (The White Ice Dragon)

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Slime Isekai Memories Tier List: A Tier Battle Characters

Slime Isekai Memories Tier List (August 2024) - Best Characters (5)
  • Benimaru (Undefeated General)
  • Beretta (Arch Golem)
  • Gobta (Captain of the Goblin Riders)
  • Guy Crimson (Lord of Darkness)
  • Guy Crimson (The Beginning)
  • Hakurou (Instructor of Flashing Sword)
  • Hinata Sakaguchi (Captain of the Holy Knights)
  • Leon Cromwell (The Flashing Blade)
  • Leon Cromwell (The Platinum Devil)
  • Luminus Valentine (Queen of Yule)
  • Milim Nava (Manifestation of the Dragon)
  • Milim Nava (The Proud Dragon Demon Lord)
  • Rimuru Tempest (Chancellor of Tempest)
  • Rimuru Tempest (Harmonizer of Monsters and Humans)
  • Rimuru Tempest (Lord of Wisdom)
  • Shion (Steel Annihilator)
  • Shizue (Conqueror of Flames)
  • Shuna (Holy Princess)
  • Souei (Spy in Shadows)
  • Souei (Successful Shinobi)
  • Treyni (Budding of Deep Green) – A Tier
  • Veldora Tempest (The True Butler)

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Slime Isekai Memories Tier List: B Tier Battle Characters

Slime Isekai Memories Tier List (August 2024) - Best Characters (6)
  • Alice Rondo (Golem Master)
  • Benimaru (Crimson Ogre Warrior)
  • Benimaru (Samurai General of Hellfire)
  • Frey (The Sky Queen)
  • Kenya Misaki (Heroic Vessel)
  • Milim Nava (One of Oldest Demon Lords)
  • Ramiris (The Creator)
  • Ranga (Tempest Star Wolf)
  • Rimuru Tempest (Awakened Demon Lord)
  • Rimuru Tempest (The Master of Maids)
  • Shizue Izawa (Date Night Beauty)

Slime Isekai Memories Tier List: C Tier Battle Characters

Slime Isekai Memories Tier List (August 2024) - Best Characters (7)
  • Albis (The Golden Serpent)
  • Chloe Aubert (Lovely Innocence)
  • Gale Gibson (Earth Spirit Lodger)
  • Gobta (Hobgoblin Ascendant)
  • Grucius (Lupine Fighter)
  • Hakurou (White Slash)
  • Kurobe (Immobile Black Ogre)
  • Kurobe (Steel Heart of Forge)
  • Milim Nava (Delighter in Everyday Life)
  • Myulan (Leisurely Lady)
  • Phobio (Leopard Fang)
  • Ranga (Loyal Horn)
  • Rimuru Tempest (Reincarnated)
  • Shion (Purple Smash)
  • Shuna (Pink Ogre of Heavenly Light)
  • Shuna (Pink Ogre Princess)
  • Shuna (The Holy Sunrise)
  • Souei (Instant Spy)
  • Suphia (White Tiger Claw)
  • Trya (Summer Breeze of Benevolence)
  • Yuuki Kagurazaka (Grandmaster)

Slime Isekai Memories Tier List: D Tier Battle Characters

Slime Isekai Memories Tier List (August 2024) - Best Characters (8)
  • Benimaru (Next Clan Leader)
  • Benimaru (Valiant Kijin)
  • Geld (Orc King)
  • Gelmud (Secret Operator)
  • Ranga (Loyal Wolf)
  • Rimuru Tempest (Swordsmanship Forge)
  • Shion (Ardent Attendant)
  • Shion (The Bold Servant)
  • Souei (Blue Gale)

Slime Isekai Memories: Best Protection Characters

Slime Isekai Memories Tier List (August 2024) - Best Characters (9)

We have ranked the following Slime Isekai Memories protection characters according to their overall stats, battle skills, and traits:

SOrc DisasterStarved
SRamirisFairy of the Labyrinth
SShionThe Talented Secretary
SSokaThe Lovestruck Maiden
ACharybdisSwimming Calamity
AElemental ColossusGolem
ARimuruthe Chancellor of Prosperity
AVeldora TempestStorm Dragon
BIfritBurning Spirit
BMilim NavaBellicose Dragoneye
BSalamanderThe Flame Master
BShunaThe Faithful Housemaid
BVeldora TempestProud Kin of Dragons
CButterflies of the Night OwnerBewitching Shopkeeper
CGard MjolmireThe Competent Merchant
CKaijinThe Forge Artisan
CLight SpiritHeroic Conductor
CPsychic ElfFortuneteller
CSky DragonSoaring Dragon Calamity
DDordThe Skilled Artisan
DGarmThe Armor Artisan
DGobuichiThe Hobgoblin Chef
DHarunaThe Affectionate Hobgoblin
DMyrdThe Construction Artisan

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Final Thoughts

We hope that you’ve enjoyed our rankings of the top battle and protection characters in Slime Isekai Memories. Keep in mind, though: this is just one person’s opinion! If we missed your favorite character or got something wrong about them, feel free to let us know down below.

We will continue to update this list as new characters and patches are released, so don’t worry if you see that some units move up or down on in rankings. That is normal, especially when some characters get buffed or nerfed.

We might not always update it in time, but we’ll try our best to do it in time. Additionally, if a new character has just been added we need some time in order to test them out in order to give our verdict on it.

So you should bookmark this page so you can check back regularly, whenever a game update happens!

Slime ISEKAI Memories FAQ

How did we create this Slime Isekai Memories Tier List?

We played the game ourselves, then asked members of our online community—such as those who frequent Reddit or the Slime Isekai Memories Discord server for their tips and suggestions regarding the best characters in the current meta. We’ve also got some help from the Slime Isekai Memories Wiki database here.

Who is the best battle characters in Slime Isekai Memories?

For the current Slime Isekai Memories, we think that the best characters are Masked Hero (Time Traveler) and Milim Nava (Dragonoid).

What is the strongest SSR in Slime Isekai Memories?

This depends on many factors, but overall, we think that the best SSR characters in Slime Isekai Memories are those from our S+ and S tier list.

Enjoyed our Slime Isekai Memories tier list? Then why not bookmark & rate it?

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Slime Isekai Memories Tier List (August 2024) - Best Characters (2025)


What is the age rating for SLIME - ISEKAI Memories? ›

SLIME - ISEKAI Memories 12+

When did SLIME - ISEKAI Memories come out? ›

The game was officially released on October 27, 2021; was available to be played the following day. On November 17, 2021, the game officially reached 1.5 million downloads globally.

What is the latest version of SLIME - ISEKAI Memories? ›

About the Game
  • ProviderBANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
  • Followers203K.
  • Downloads282K.
  • Current Version2.0.42.
  • Size39 MB.
  • Release date10/27/2021.
  • Last Updated on08/01/2024.
  • Network ConnectionRequired.

Is ttigraas inappropriate? ›

MPAA explanation: Rated PG-13 for sequences of strong violence, some suggestive material and partial nudity.

How old can Rimuru get? ›

Upon evolving further into an Ultimate Slime, Rimuru's human form ages to 16-17 years old. This form is described by Velgrynd as appearing gender-less (as she saw it nude upon creation) but with dangerously cute features.

Is slime isekai a harem? ›

In that regard, a lot of people who haven't watched the series would think that Tensura Slime has a lot of ecchi and harem content, although most would end up surprised by the reality. The truth of the matter is that this series, while now a classic of the isekai genre, doesn't have as much harem as one would believe.

What gender is slime isekai? ›

Despite having originally been male, the human-form Rimuru seen throughout most of the series is most easily classified as non-binary. The human form is just an appearance, after all; they're still a slime, just one that looks humanoid.

Is Slime anime worth it? ›

It's a feel-good anime with a bit o' tension and plenty of breathing room in between those moments. The animation is par for the course and nothing really stands out - be it egregious or good. The characters is where the real meat's at, because they're organic and believable.

Does Rimuru have a daughter? ›

This part of the storyline is not canon. Rimuru does not have a daughter.

What is the Japanese name for SLIME - ISEKAI Memories? ›

Tensei Shitara slime Datta Ken

What time does SLIME - ISEKAI Memories reset? ›

*The login bonus is reset every day at 4:00 local time.

Who is izis in slime? ›

Izis. The alluring witch of the mirror. She stalks Rimuru as her prey, and will do whatever it takes to fulfill her utmost desire.

Is Rimuru a boy? ›

Rimuru was male in his previous life and still more or less considers himself as such. He uses the corpse of a human girl (Shizu) as the base for his human form (his looks always gets androgynized by default when using Mimicry though) and often gets mistaken for a young girl, probably due to the long Blue-Silver hair.

Is slime isekai still going? ›

The Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Season 3 will premiere on April 5, 2024. The season is set to air in two parts, with a total of 24 episodes.

What age is the book slime for? ›

About This Edition
Pagination:311 pages
Suitable For:7+ readers
Other Genres:Adventure Stories Funny
4 more rows
Jul 21, 2022

Is the time I got reincarnated as a slime PG? ›

Rated: PG-13 for sequences of strong violence, some suggestive material and partial nudity.

What is the content of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime? ›

The story follows Satoru Mikami, a salaryman who is murdered and then reincarnated in a sword and sorcery world as the titular slime, who goes on to gather allies to build his own nation of monsters. It was serialized online from 2013 to 2016 on the user-generated novel publishing website Shōsetsuka ni Narō.

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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.